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Useful Tips

Jun 23, 2023Jun 23, 2023

As often happens in this town, the Enterprise publishes two pieces of information for commonsense living. These two pieces are an easy segue to easy household recycling. The first is from the town surveys for recycling regulations. It contains a website A simple site to find answers. Are metal bottle caps OK? No. Plastic wrap and wine box liners, also unacceptable. Water bottle caps, OK, if screwed onto the bottle. Get to the site and ask away.

A page later Alan Robinson, chairperson of the Falmouth Waste Advisory Committee, explains to us the ins and outs and future of composting. Both of my grandfathers had compost piles, one for vegetables and the other for flowers. Kathy and I had a compost pile for 30 years. Oh, how those piles enriched our lawns and gardens. For free. We had table scraps in a thick plastic tank. Each year we would remove the compost from the tank and leave the remainder to the next year. We did travel to a farm once a year to pick up cow manure for $5 a pickup load. Another easy recycling exercise was eating shellfish and adding the leftover shells to our driveway.

We are now in a condominium and use Black Earth compost pickup for $95 a half year. Excellent service every Friday.

All easy steps to a better environment.

Michael Miller

Woodland Trail

East Falmouth

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